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Social Business Youth Convention

To help eradicate poverty by exploring and promoting the Social Business Concept among the young generation of the world

Bridging Young Minds To Overcome Poverty  


SBYC competition rules

Social Business Youth Convention: SBYC Competitions 2013

Social Business Plan/ Project Competition :
A social Business plan competition is going to be organized at Daffodil International University on the
occasion of “Social Business Youth Convention” to be held on 29 June 2013.Any Undergraduate or
Graduate student may participate in it. The guidelines for participation are as follows:
1. Theme for Business Plan: Social Business to solve a social problem.
2. Business plan must have a title for the business.
3. A group can have maximum four members. One group can submit one plan. Plans also could be
submitted individually.
4. Every group must submit their Business plan following the guidelines provided by Yunus Centre. .
The language can be both Bangla and English.
5. Two printed copies and a soft copy (email or written in a CD) should be submitted. .
6. The business must follow the 7 principles of Social Business.
7. The plan should identify clearly the primary social problem and subsidiary social problems (if any) it
wants to address by the proposed social business.
8. The business plan should discuss whether the product or services this social business will be
producing are available in the market now, what are they and who are producing them (the top
producers only), the market price of those products etc.
9. The outline of the project should contain:
• Nature of the business.
• Target customer.
• Tentative price (per unit) of the product/ service.
• Any special operational/marketing/production structure (If required)
• A tentative year-by-year projection of capital cost, operational costs, number of employees,
annual revenue, profit/loss projections and break even analysis etc.
Submission deadline: 20 June, 2013
Submission Place: Daffodil International University, 4/2, Shobhanbagh, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi,
Dhaka-1207. Prince Plaza Campus, 3rd
floor, SBYC-2013 Event Secretariat.
Registration: Registration with the submission is necessary with fee: Tk. 100/- per person/ tk. 200 per
Hello : 0172406237 , 01675110100

Account name: Daffodil International University
Account number : 01847027541

Social Business Youth Convention: SBYC Competitions 2013

Template for Designing a Social Business Project (This guideline is provided by Yunus Centre)
Please address the following points when presenting your Social Business Plan.
1. Brief introduction of each member of the team. Please include full names,
email addresses, contact number and educational background of each member
of the team.
2. Are you familiar with the 7 principles of Social Business?
3. Are you ready to follow all the 7 principles of Social Business by putting it in
your company’s memorandum of articles?
4. What is the primary social problem you want to address by the proposed
social business?
5. What are the subsidiary social problems you want to address by this project?
6. What is the product or service this social business will be producing?
7. a) Are similar products/ services available in the market now? What are they?
Who is producing them? Mention three top products and their
b) What are the present market prices per unit of these products/ services (if
available in some form)
8. Give an outline of your project:
¬ What will your company do?
¬ Whose need will it address?
¬ What will be the tentative price (per unit) of your product/ service?
¬ Will your project require any special operational/marketing/production
9. Present your business plan and include a tentative year-by-year projection of
capital cost, operational costs, number of employees, annual revenue,
profit/loss projections etc.
10. What will be the total project cost until break-even point is reached? (Capital
cost, operational cost). What will be the total accumulated losses over this
period? How many years will be needed to reach financial viability?
11. What are the amount and sources of funds:
¬ Equity:
¬ Loans:
¬ Others:
¬ Total:

Social Business Youth Convention: SBYC Competitions 2013
12. What would be the marketing strategy of your product?
¬ Needs door to door marketing
¬ Traditional marketing channels will do
¬ Needs special marketing (explain)
13. What are the highlights/innovative elements of this project?
14. What are the areas of caution/ concerns/ unknown features in this project?
15. What part (if any) of your design is the most delicate/ critical/ difficult part of
the design?
16. Have you had any experience in running/designing/working/studying such a
project? Describe your involvement.
17. To the best of your knowledge, does the project design indicate that the
smallest production/marketing unit is economically sustainable?
18. What would be the primary indicators of the success of this social business?
19. What would be the secondary indicators?
20. How would you measure the impact of this social business? Would you have
some rule of thumb to measure it?

Prizes: Every participant will get certificate. Certificates and awards will be
distributed by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
3 students from Bangladesh will be selected to attain Social Business Forum in
Asia at Kyushu University Japan on July 2013. Along with other criteria, the
winner students will get priority among the contestants.

Social Business Youth Convention: SBYC Competitions 2013

1-Minute Documentary :
A 1 minutes documentary (video clip) competition is going to be organized at Daffodil
International University on the occasion of “Social Business Youth Convention” to be held on
29 June 2013. Any Undergraduate or Graduate student may participate in it. The guidelines for
participation are as follows:
• Subject for video: Any Social Problem, like Education, Health, Poverty etc.
• Participation will be for individual only.
• Video clip must have a title.
• Format: MPEG2/AVI/MOV.
• 1 person can submit 1 video clip.
• Time duration 1 Minutes.
• Submitted by CD/ Pen drive/email.
• If there is any dialogue/commentary in the video, English subtitle should be used.
• Submission deadline: 15 June, 2013
• Submission Place: Daffodil International University, 4/2, Shobhanbagh, Mirpur Road,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207. Prince Plaza Campus, 4th
floor, SBYC-2013 Event Secretariat.
• Registration: Registration with the submission is necessary with fee: Tk. 125/- per person
• E-mails:
• Hello : 0172406237 , 01675110100

Prizes: Every participant will get certificate. Certificates and awards
will be distributed by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Dr.
Muhammad Yunus. 3 students from Bangladesh will be selected to
attain Social Business Forum in Asia at Kyushu University Japan on
July 2013. Along with other criteria, the winner students will get
priority among the contestants.

Social Business Youth Convention: SBYC Competitions 2013

Quiz Competition :
A Quiz competition is going to be organized at Daffodil International University on the occasion
of “Social Business Youth Convention” to be held on 29 June 2013. Any Undergraduate or
Graduate student may participate in it. The guidelines for participation are as follows:
• Subject of quiz: Social Business.
• Participation will be for individual only.
• Time duration 1 hour
• Participant has to answer 50 MCQ
• Reference Books for Exam Preparation:
I. Building Social Business (Professor Yunus)
II. Creating a World without Poverty (Professor Yunus)
III. Open resource: Website (Yunus Center) & Internet
Note: Books are available at Social Business Research Centre, Faculty Room-2
level, Prince Plaza. 4/2 Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road Dhaka.

Quiz date:20 June, 2013
Quiz time:11.30 AM to 12.30 PM
Exam Centre: Virtual Class room, Daffodil International University, 4/2, Shobhanbagh, Mirpur
Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207. Prince Plaza Campus.
Registration Place: registration on the spot
Hello: 01684676939, 01676743789
Registration Fee: Tk. 100/- per person
Prizes: Every participant will get certificate. Certificates and awards will be
distributed by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
3 students from Bangladesh will be selected to attain Social Business Forum in
Asia at Kyushu University Japan on July 2013. Along with other criteria, the
winner students will get priority among the contestants.

Social Business Youth Convention: SBYC Competitions 2013

Photography Competition :
A Photography competition is going to be organized at Daffodil International University on the
occasion of “Social Business Youth Convention” to be held on 29 June 2013. Any
Undergraduate or Graduate student may participate in it. The guidelines for participation are as
• Subject for Photography: Social Problem. (For example, Poverty, Education, Health
Unemployment etc.)
• One person can submit three photos maximum.
• Frame Size : 21.5 inches by 15.5 inches (Normal Black decorated Wooden or Plastic
Frame may be used)
• Photograph Size: 17 inches by 11 inches
• Measurement of the photo: 5 R
• The photo must have a title
• Submission deadline: 15 June, 2013
• Submission Place: Daffodil International University, 4/2, Shobhanbagh, Mirpur Road,
Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207. Prince Plaza Campus, 4th
floor, SBYC-2013 Event Secretariat.
• Registration: Registration with the submission is necessary with fee: Tk. 100/- per person
• E-mails:
• Hello : 0172406237 , 01675110100

Prizes: Every participant will get certificate. Certificates and awards will be
distributed by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
3 students from Bangladesh will be selected to attain Social Business Forum in
Asia at Kyushu University Japan on July 2013. Along with other criteria, the
winner students will get priority among the contestants.